Тест №02 - времена, предлоги
Лексико-грамматический тест предназначен для проверки усвоения Past Simple, Present Simple, Future Simple, а также правильного употребления предлогов.
1. Выбери правильную форму глагола:
----- she go on holiday last summer?
- does
- did
- do
- was
We all----- students.
- are
- be
- is
- do
There ----- many people at the airport yesterday.
- are
- were
- have
- is
She ----- tennis every day.
- play
- plays
- has
- have
2. Вставь предлоги:
At under between above on
- Look ..... the blackboard!
- There is a picture ..... the bookshelf.
- I put the box .....the table.
- There is a coffee table..... two armchairs.
- We always visit my grandmother..... Fridays.
3. Найди слово, не соответствующее логическому ряду:
- Football, tennis, golf, scooter, basketball
- Year, month, holiday, day, week
- Under, for, in, what, next to
- Plane, car, speed, bus, bike
4. Составь предложения из следующих слов:
- seaside, next summer, go, will, I, to, the---------------------------------------------------------------
- you, did, work, yesterday, garden, the, in -------------------------------------------------------------?
- saw, interesting, week, an, last, film, I -------------------------------------------------------------------4. always, at, she, gets up, 7 o’clock ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Wednesday, want, me, do, to, you. visit, on ---------------------------------------------------------?
- did
- are
- were
- plays
2. 1) at 2) above 3) under 4) between 5) on
- scooter
- holiday
- what
- speed
4. 1) I will go to the seaside next summer 2) Did you work in the garden yesterday? 3) I saw an interesting film last wek 4) She always gets up at 7 o’clock. 5) Do you want to visit me on Wednesday?
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