Тест №6 по теме Food (Еда)
Тематический тест предназначен для проверки усвоения лексического набора по теме Food (Еда)
1. Many or much?
- Don’t put..... sugar in my tea.
- There are ..... pineapples in that box.
- .... does it cost?
- We have .....time before the lesson.
- Mother put ..... tomatoes in the fridge.
2. How many or how much?
- ..... potatoes are there in the basket?
- .....milk do we have in the fridge?
- ..... cups of coffee can you drink?
- .....salt do you put in your soup?
- .....apples are there on the table?
3. Найди соответствия:
A How much is this tin of beans?
B Can you pass me the salt, please?
C How many pears do you need for this fruit salad?
D Do you drink your tea with sugar?
E Do you like pizza?
- I love it!
- Yes, I like sweet tea.
- It costs 90 pence.
- Just three.
- Here you are!
4. Выбери правильный вариант
- I bought a..... of milk.
- Carton
- Tin
- Piece
- There is …..butter in the fridge.
- Many
- Big
- Much
- Can I have a….. of mineral water?
- Cup
- Plate
- Glass
- Lemon tastes …..
- Sweet
- Sour
- Salty
- Russian coffee is coffee with…..
- Milk
- Jam
- Lemon
- Give me one ….. of lemon, please.
- Piece
- Bar
- Slice
- I drink …..water every day.
- Many
- Bottle
- Much
- Vegetarians do not eat
- Pasta
- Meat
- soup
1. 1) much 2) many 3) much 4) much 5) many
2. 1) how many 2) how much 3)how many 4) how much 5) how many
3. A – 3, B – 5, C -4, D – 2, E – 1
- Carton
- Much
- Glass
- Sour
- Lemon
- Slice
- Much
- Meat
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Тест №6 по теме Food (Еда) - 4.2 out of
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