

1. Поставьте подходящий глагол в соответствующей форме:

                             tell, beg, suggest, order, ask

  1. “Please, forgive me,” he said to Clara. – He ... Clara to forgive him.
  2. “Be careful of the broken glass,” my father said. – My father ... to be careful of the broken glass.
  3. “How about calling your colleague?” Annie said to me. – Annie ... calling my colleague.
  4. “Don’t shoot!” the policeman shouted. – The policeman ... not to shoot.
  5. “Listen to me, please,” Tom said to the lawyer. – Tom ... the lawyer to listen to him.
  6. “Let’s play volleyball,” Brian said to the kids. – Brian ... playing volleyball.
  7. “Fire!” the General said to the soldiers. – The General ... the soldiers to fire.
  8. “Please, please, don’t tell this to anyone,” she said to the doctor. – She ... the doctor not to tell that to anyone.

2. Преобразуйте высказывания воспитателя (просьбы и предложения) на занятии с детьми в косвенную речь.

Н-р:  “Sit down.” – The teacher asked to sit down.

  1. “Don’t make so much noise, please.” («Не шумите так сильно, пожалуйста.»)
  2. “Let’s make a Christmas card.” («Давайте сделаем рождественскую открытку.»
  3. “Be careful with the scissors.” («Будьте осторожны с ножницами.»)
  4. “Don’t open the glue.” («Не открывайте клей.»)
  5. “Shall we sing a Christmas song?” («Споем рождественскую песенку?»)

3. Преобразуйте предложения в косвенную речь.

  1. The doctor said: “Stop drinking beer.”
  2. “Let’s do some research on this subject,” the manager said.
  3. The flight attendant said: “Please, switch off your mobile devices.”
  4. “Find my pearl necklace!” the stepmother said to Cinderella.
  5. “How about eating out tonight?” he said.
  6. Alex said: “We should advertise our product on TV.”
  7. “Don’t move!” the police officer said.
  8. “Please, please, wait a little!” she said to Peter.
  9. “Shall we go to the swimming pool?” Fran said to Helen.
  10. “Don’t touch the flowers,” I said.




  1. begged (Он умолял Клару простить его.)
  2. told (asked) (Мой папа сказал (попросил) быть осторожным с разбитым стеклом.)
  3. suggested (Энни предложила позвонить моему коллеге.)
  4. ordered (Полицейский отдал приказ не стрелять.)
  5. asked (Том попросил адвоката послушать его.)
  6. suggested (Брайан предложил поиграть в футбол.)
  7. ordered (Генерал приказал солдатам стрелять.)
  8. begged (Она умоляла врача никому не рассказывать об этом.)


  1. The teacher asked not to make so much noise.
  2. The teacher suggested making a Christmas card.
  3. The teacher asked to be careful with the scissors.
  4. The teacher told (asked) not to open the glue.
  5. The teacher suggested singing a Christmas song.


  1. The doctor told (advised) to stop drinking beer. (Доктор сказал (посоветовал) перестать пить пиво.)
  2. The manager suggested doing some research on that subject. (Менеджер предложил провести исследовательскую работу по этому вопросу.)
  3. The flight attendant told (asked) to switch off the mobile phones. (Бортпроводник сказал (попросил) отключить мобильные устройства.)
  4. The stepmother ordered Cinderella to find her pearl necklace. (Мачеха приказала Золушке найти ее жемчужное ожерелье.)
  5. He suggested eating out that night. (Он предложил куда-нибудь выйти поужинать вечером.)
  6. Alex suggested advertising their product on TV. (Алекс предложил рекламу их продукции на телевидении.)
  7. The police officer ordered not to move. (Полицейский приказал не двигаться.)
  8. She begged Peter to wait a little. (Она умоляла Питера немного подождать.)
  9. Fran suggested going to the swimming pool. (Фрэн предложила отправиться в бассейн.)
  10. I asked (told) not to touch the flowers. (Я попросил (сказал) не трогать цветы.)
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