Упражнения "Грамматические различия британский - американский British English - American English" (с ответами)
1. Распределите предложения на группы: варианты, более приемлемые для британского английского, и те, которые используются в американском английском.
- Have you seen her yet? – Did you see her yet? (Ты ее еще не видел?)
- Mary, you missed them. They just left. – Mary, you’ve missed them. They’ve just left. (Мэри, ты упустила их. Они только что ушли.)
- Have you got any interesting ideas? – Do you have any interesting ideas? (У тебя есть интересные идеи?)
- Has he already bought the car? – Did he buy the car already? (Он уже купил машину?)
- Did you ever go to Las Vegas? – Have you ever been to Las Vegas? (Ты был когда-нибудь в Лас Вегасе?)
- I have some free time for having lunch. – I’ve got some free time for having lunch. (У меня есть немного свободного времени для обеда.)
- Brazil are the champions. – Brazil is the champion. (Бразилия – чемпионы.)
- Quest Pistols is a well-known band. – Quest Pistols are a well-known band. (Квест Пистолз – хорошо известная группа.)
- Will you write to her? – Will you write her? (Ты напишешь ей?)
- Why don’t you take a rest? – Why don’t you have a rest? (Почему ты не отдыхаешь?)
- Her birthday is the 10th of September. – Her birthday is September 10th. (Ее день рожденья – 10-е сентября.)
- Move counterclockwise. – Move anticlockwise. (Двигайся против часовой стрелки.)
- I’ll talk to David. – I’ll talk with David. (Я поговорю с Дэвидом.)
- We took our French exam yesterday. – We sat our French exam yesterday. (Мы сдавали вчера экзамен по французскому.)
- Anna and Fred met each other on 25/12/99. – Anna and Fred met each other on 12/25/99. (Анна и Фред познакомились 25.12.1999.)
- Happy Christmas! – Merry Christmas! (С Рождеством!)
- Sam is taking a shower. – Sam is having a shower. (Сэм принимает душ.)
- We needn’t go to school today. – We don’t need to go to school today. (Нам не нужно сегодня идти в школу.)
- Let’s go out at the weekend. – Let’s go out on the weekend. (Давай куда-нибудь пойдем в выходные.)
- She lived in King Street. – She lived on King Street. (Она жила на Кинг Стрит.)
2. Напишите две группы следующих глаголов в форме прошедшего времени, характерной для британского и американского английского.
to smell, to burn, to learn, to fit, to dive, to dream, to spill, to spoil, to wet, to forecast, to wake
3. Перефразируйте следующие предложения, используя неформальные американизмы – gonna, gotta и wanna.
- Are you going to play billiards tonight? (Ты собираешься играть в бильярд вечером?)
- I want to invite you to the islands. (Я хочу пригласить тебя на острова.)
- They aren’t going to listen to you. (Они не будут тебя слушать.)
- He’s got to move to Liverpool. (Ему нужно переезжать в Ливерпуль.)
- Do you want to find a new job? (Ты хочешь найти новую работу?)
- I’ve got to go now. (Мне нужно идти сейчас.)
- What do you want to do now? (Что ты хочешь делать теперь?)
- We’ve got to change our dirty clothes. (Нам нужно снять грязную одежду.)
- Have you seen her yet?
- Mary, you’ve missed them. They’ve just left.
- Have you got any interesting ideas?
- Has he already bought the car?
- Have you ever been to Las Vegas?
- I’ve got some free time for having lunch.
- Brazil are the champions.
- Quest Pistols are a well-known band.
- Will you write to her?
- Why don’t you have a rest?
- Her birthday is the 10th of September.
- Move anticlockwise.
- I’ll talk to David.
- We sat our French exam yesterday.
- Anna and Fred met each other on 25/12/99.
- Happy Christmas!
- Sam is having a shower.
- We needn’t go to school today.
- Let’s go out at the weekend.
- She lived in King Street.
- Did you see her yet?
- Mary, you missed them. They just left.
- Do you have any interesting ideas?
- Did he buy the car already?
- Did you ever go to Las Vegas?
- I have some free time for having lunch.
- Brazil is the champion.
- Quest Pistols is a well-known band.
- Will you write her?
- Why don’t you take a rest?
- Her birthday is September 10th.
- Move counterclockwise.
- I’ll talk with David.
- We took our French exam yesterday.
- Anna and Fred met each other on 12/25/99.
- Merry Christmas!
- Sam is taking a shower.
- We don’t need to go to school today.
- Let’s go out on the weekend.
- She lived on King Street.
British – smelt, burnt, learnt, fitted, dived, dreamt, spilt, spoilt, wetted, forecasted, woke
American – smelled, burned, learned, fit, dove, dreamed, spilled, spoiled, wet, forecast, waked
- Are you gonna play billiards tonight?
- I wanna invite you to the islands.
- They aren’t gonna listen to you.
- He gotta move to Liverpool.
- Do you wanna find a new job?
- I gotta go now.
- What do you wanna do now?
- We gotta change our dirty clothes.
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