
1. Распределите следующие существительные на две группы.

paper – bottle – porridge – happiness - pencil - coffee – girl – work – job – plate – dog – meat - news – apricot – toothpaste – time - bedroom – money -  magazine – information – honey - metal – child – yoghurt – rice – spaghetti – water – air – spoon – mustard - egg – chair – shampoo – raincoat – flower – flour – bread – soap – toy – food – knowledge – garden – oil – furniture - friend




2. Составьте словосочетания с неисчисляемыми существительными, используя слова из первой и второй колонок. Возможны несколько вариантов. Переведите словосочетания.

Н-р:  a bag of sugar – пакет сахара

a loaf                                                    cheese

a bottle                                                 toothpaste

a slice                                                   soup

a liter                                                    sardines

a glass                                                  bread

a bar                                                     lemonade

a jar                                                      meat

a kilo                                                    wine

a tube                                                   soap

a tin                                                      orange jam

a plate                                                  chocolate


3. Попросите у продавца в магазине следующие продукты, используя some с неисчисляемыми существительными и указанное количество предметов – с исчисляемыми.

Н-р:    egg – milk (some – 20)

        Can I have 20 eggs and some milk, please? (Можно мне 20 яиц и немного молока, пожалуйста?)

  1. sandwich – bread (some – 2)
  2. rice – apple (some – 5)
  3. butter – banana (some – 3)
  4. coffee – bottle of lemonade (some – 4)
  5. bar of chocolate – sugar (some – 1)

4. Поставьте How many? или How much?

  1. … salt do you usually put in the soup?
  2. … cups of tea shall I bring?
  3. … films did you see?
  4. … friends has he got?
  5. … free time do we have?
  6. … juice is there in the fridge?
  7. … money did they spend?
  8. … tomatoes are there in the bag?
  9. … kilos of potatoes did you buy?
  10. … slices of cheese are left on the plate?




Исчисляемые: bottle, pencil, girl, job, plate, dog, apricot, bedroom, magazine, child, spoon, egg, chair, raincoat, flower, toy, garden, friend

Неисчисляемые: paper, porridge, happiness, coffee, work, meat, news, toothpaste, time, money, information, honey, metal, yoghurt, rice, spaghetti, water, air, mustard, shampoo, flour, bread, soap, food, knowledge, oil, furniture


a loaf of bread - буханка

a bottle of lemonade, a bottle of wine - бутылка

a slice of cheese, a slice of bread, a slice of meat – ломтик, кусочек

a liter of soup, a liter of lemonade, a liter of wine – литр

a glass of  lemonade, a glass of wine – стакан, бокал

a bar of chocolate, a bar of soap – плитка, кусок

a jar of orange jam – банка апельсинового джема

a kilo of cheese, a kilo of meat – килограмм

a tube of toothpaste – тюбик

a tin of soup, a tin of sardines – банка

a plate of soup, a plate of sardines – тарелка


  1. Can I have 2 sandwiches and some bread, please?
  2. Can I have some rice and 5 apples, please?
  3. Can I have some butter and 3 bananas, please?
  4. Can I have some coffee and 4 bottles of lemonade, please?
  5. Can I have a bar of chocolate and some sugar, please?


  1. How much salt do you usually put in the soup? (Сколько соли ты обычно кладешь в суп?)
  2. How many cups of tea shall I bring? (Сколько чаше чая мне принести?)
  3. How many films did you see? (Сколько фильмов ты посмотрел?)
  4. How many friends has he got? (Сколько у него друзей?)
  5. How much free time do we have? (Сколько свободного времени у нас есть?)
  6. How much juice is there in the fridge? (Сколько сока в холодильнике?)
  7. How much money did they spend? (Сколько денег они потратили?)
  8. How many tomatoes are there in the bag? (Сколько помидоров в сумке?)
  9. How many kilos of potatoes did you buy? (Сколько килограммов картофеля ты купил?)
  10. How many slices of cheese are left on the plate? (Сколько ломтиков сыра осталось на тарелке?)
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