Лексико-грамматический тест предназначен для проверки усвоения времен: Past Simple, Present Simple, правильного употребления артикля со степенями сравнения прилагательных,правописания английских слов.

1. Зачеркните артикль там, где он употреблен неправильно:

  1. Cold – the coldest
  2. Good - the better
  3. Warm – the warmer
  4. Nice - the nicest
  5. Poor – the poorest


2. Поставь глагол в нужной форме и напиши рассказ о том, что ты делал вчера:

I ( meet) my friend yesterday. The weather (be) fine. We (go) to the Zoo. There (are) many animals there. We (see) monkeys, bears, foxes, tigers and a lion. Then we ( go) to a pizzeria “Eli-Pili” and (order) pizzas there. We (come back) home at 5 o’clock. We (spend) a great day.


3. Начиная со слов when и т. д. - поставь вопросы к предложениям: 

  1. Last Tuesday I went to the cinema. When …………………………………………..?
  2. They played computer games yesterday. Did ………………………………………..?
  3. My sister wrote a letter. What ……………………………………………………… ?
  4. The weather was very bad 2 days ago. Was …………………………………………...?
  5. I met my friend at the airport. Where………………………………………………….?


4. Напиши о своем любимом питомце.

  1. I have a pet. This is …………………………… .
  2. His/ her name is………………………………………
  3. He/she lives ………………………………………….
  4. My pet is ……………… years old.
  5. It eats ……………………………. .
  6. It does not eat …………………….
  7. It can……………………………….
  8. It can not………………………….. .


5. Вставь пропущенные буквы:

Fi...ld   hous...  let...er   diffic...lt   int...restin...  w...nd...rful...     windo...    a...rpo...t



1. 1) +    2) -   3) –  4)+  5) +

2. Met, was, went, were, saw, went, ordered, came back, spent 

3.  1) When did I go to the cinema? 2) Did they play computer games yesterday? 3) What did my sister write? 4) Was the weather very bad? 5) Where did I meet my friend?

4. 1)  a cat  2) Barsik  3) in the kitchen  4) 2 years old  5)fish  6)onions 7) run 8) sing

5. E            E         T             U              E-G           O-E                    W             I-R

Тест №2 - времена и употребление артикля - 5.0 out of 5 based on 2 votes

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